
NAER reacts to requests to cap fuel prices


The National Agency for Energy Regulation (NAER) said that it took note of the statement by which the National Agriculture and Food Industry Employers Federation and the National Federation of Trade Unions of Workers of Agriculture and Food “Agroindsind” demand to cap fuel prices within ten days, IPN reports.

According to the Agency, the procedure for drafting a new methodology for calculating and applying the prices of oil products started on May 12. As part of this process, the NAER proposed the new methodology for debates at a number of public meetings so that all the interested parties could formulate proposals over the new document.

At the current stage, in accordance with the legal provisions, the draft methodology is being examined and assessed by the responsible institutions. Next week, there will be set the exact date of the public meeting where the methodology will be approved, most probably by June 14. “The NAER reiterates the request addressed to all the responsible bodies to provide the necessary appraisals as swiftly as possible so as to incorporate their proposals into the methodology for the purpose of improving its content,” runs a press release of the Agency.

The National Agriculture and Food Industry Employers Federation and the National Federation of Trade Unions of Workers of Agriculture and Food “Agroindsind” demanded to restore the normal situation on the domestic oil market by capping fuel prices or they will picket the buildings of the National Agency for Energy Regulation and the Competition Council and will demand to dismiss their managers.