
NAC identified most of acts of corruption in justice and internal affairs


Justice and internal affairs are the areas where the National Anticorruption Center (NAC) last year discovered the largest number of cases of corruption (119) that involved mainly police officers (45 cases). Among the most corruptible areas are also the private sector (115 cases), local public administration (100) and public budget and property security (96), IPN has learned from the NAC.

A number of 30 cases of corruption were discovered in healthcare, 16 in education, while nine in the military service. The NAC officers identified a total of 881 offenses, 698 of which were acts of corruption and corruption-related criminal acts, 61 were cases of money laundering, while 122 were other types of offenses. 70% of all the cases were classed as very serious and serious.

Some 69% of the offenses were discovered in the capital city and the central districts of the country, 22% in Balti municipality and the northern districts, while 9% in Cahul and the southern districts.

In the private and freelance sectors, there were arrested 150 private individuals, 109 directors of private organizations and companies, 24 lawyers and 11 bailiffs.

The NAC’s General Prosecution Division, under the guidance of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, investigated 1 939 criminal cases. The investigation into 610 of these cases was completed. Damage totaling 47 million lei was caused by the persons featured in the criminal cases started in 2017. Based on the materials provided by the NAC, the State Tax Service collected 10.5 million lei damages into the state budget.

This year the National Anticorruption Center aims to efficiently fight cases of corruption in all the important areas, with emphasis on the fields where a large number of cases of corruption are reported by people, such as education and healthcare, and through actions that would help identify cases of appropriation of European funds.