
“My Homeland Moldova” calls on voters to boycott consultative referendum


Representatives of the public organization “My Homeland Moldova” calls on the voters to boycott the consultative referendum of February 24 and in the parliamentary elections to think well who to vote for as the ruling Democratic Party (PDM) and the Party of Socialists (PSRM), which have openly committed a genocide against the own people, do their best to remain in power.

In a news conference at IPN, the head of “My Homeland Moldova” Artiom Guriev said that earlier the organization warned that the mixed electoral system is a lifebuoy for the PDM and PSRM. All the parties should have boycotted these elections and this fact would have generated questions among the foreign partners as to the legitimacy of the elections. But the parties didn’t manage to unite. “Dear voters, a packet of rice, a packet of buckwheat and 200-300 lei for your vote is not worth it as the country will be thrown into chaos for another four years and people who robbed the country during the past nine years will be brought to power again,” stated Artiom Guriev.

According to him, the so-called rises in pensions and salaries and the so-called roads represent the agony of the current regime that is afraid to lose power. “We do not want the PDM and its vassals – the Party of Socialists and the Shor Party - to enter Parliament. We do not want the bloc ACUM and other unionist parties to enter Parliament. We urge to boycott the illegal referendum. Dear citizens, when we enter the polling both, think what living standards do you have with such an administration before putting the stamp,” noted Artiom Guriev.

The organization’s co-president Nelly Bartaș said the PDM and PSRM are parties of thieves and swindlers. These divide the population into pro-Russian and pro-Western citizens and shirk from the obligations they assumed before the people. The stolen billions are divided between several persons and the people, including the newborns and helpless elderly people, have to repay them. The mixed system does not allow the citizens to boycott these elections as the voter turnout no longer maters. “Even if only Igor Dodon and Vlad Plahotniuc vote, the elections will be validated. But this is also not enough. The government wants to make sure, by reducing the number of MPs, that they spend less money for their corruption,” stated Nelly Bartaș.

According to activist Leonid Cucu, the decision to hold a referendum simultaneously with the parliamentary elections is a serious violation of the law as the Election Code clearly says that it is banned holding a referendum 60 days before the parliamentary elections and 60 days after them.

Another activist of the organization Alexandr Popa said the population is now very critical of the PSRM because the Socialists make most of the promises, but deliver these the least. The activist wondered why the PSRM needs to support the mixed system when the analysts say this party under this system will not win much. On the country, the Socialists did the so-called enemies, the Democrats, a favor so that these enter Parliament.

Activist Tatiana Gogu said they witness manipulation as not all those who run independently in uninominal constituencies are actually independent. A part of them can be found on the lists of parties in the national constituency. The honest independent candidates are put in unequal conditions because they do not have the same resources as the candidates fielded by parties.

Tatiana Gogu criticized the deficient informing of the population about the rules of the new electoral system. The people do not understand in what constituency they can vote and all these things are done to mislead the people.