
Multidisciplinary teams responsible for intervention in cases of violence will become functional


20 women in Moldova died as a result of domestic violence last year. At the same time, most women consider violence to be commonplace and reporting remains low. The extent of the phenomenon of violence in Moldova was presented by Viorica Țîmbalari, director-general of the National Agency for Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (ANPCV), who announced the training of multidisciplinary teams to help victims of violence.

In order to ensure a coordinated and prompt systemic response to cases of violence, the agency has developed a concept of initial and continuous professional training for members of multidisciplinary teams responsible for intervention in cases of violence. This training model will be launched on April 9, Viorica Timbalari told a press conference.

The ANPCV Director General explained that when a victim of violence reports the case to the local police inspectorate, the police officer has to convene a local multidisciplinary team including a social worker, a doctor, the mayor, to find a solution. The multidisciplinary teams, under the responsibility of the agency, were mostly not convened, Viorica Timbalari said, adding that they will function as a result of the actions taken and priorities set.

"We will develop in these professionals skills of communication, empathy, how to intervene in such a way that their actions are centered on the needs of victims. The National Training Plan is based on a multidisciplinary curriculum and a victim-centered approach, with a focus on the mother-child couple," said the agency's director general.

The agency has also been designated as the institution responsible for collecting and managing the official data system on domestic and gender-based violence. To meet this need, the institution is in the process of developing a data system - VioData, which will be interoperable with other existing systems in the country.

"This tool will allow for unilateral and automated data collection, the development of detailed studies and research on gender-based violence and most importantly - monitoring the path of victims from accessing the first public service to the resolution of the case," said the director general of the NCPVA.

Changes in legislation are also on the horizon. Violence against women using information technologies or electronic communications will be punishable and women subjected to digital violence will be able to obtain protection measures. Part of the protection measures will be applicable in any case and in any form of violence covered by the Istanbul Convention, even when the victim and the perpetrator are not family members. The state will cover the cost of forensic expertise in cases of violence. These are just some of the proposals in the draft law registered by the ANPCV jointly with the Platform of Women Deputies. Public consultations will take place on April 4 on the parliamentary platform.