
MPs voted to lift the immunity of Marina Tauber and Reghina Apostolova


MPs voted to lift the immunity of Marina Tauber and Reghina Apostolova, MPs of Șor Political Party, at the request of the interim prosecutor general Dumitru Robu. “For” voted 56 MPs, IPN reports.

The lifting of immunity is required for the purpose of their detention, arrest, search and criminal prosecution. In the opinion of prosecutor general Dumitru Robu, there is conclusive evidence regarding the involvement of the MPs in the banking fraud. According to the prosecutor, Marina Tauber and Reghina Apostolova, since August 17, 2012, have actively participated in the looting of the banking system, helping in the take- over of a bank by Ilan Șor's group. The criminal prosecution body has evidence in this regard.

At a press briefing during the Parliament sitting’s break, Denis Ulanov, member of Șor Party group, described the requests to withdraw the immunity of Marina Tauber and Reghina Apostolova as Igor Dodon’s "political and personal revenge" against the party's chairman Ilan Șor. He says that the party MPs are not afraid, do not consider themselves guilty and have no intention to hide. He also announced that the group was leaving the Parliament sitting "in protest."

Previously, the Chairman of Șor Political Party Ilan Șor has also been stripped of immunity by the current parliament.