
MPs vote to simplify customs procedures for CEFTA countries


The customs procedures applied in the trade with the member states of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) will be simplified. The MPs on November 17 adopted in two readings a bill on the Additional Protocol No. 5 to the Agreement to Amend and Join the CEFTA that was signed in Belgrade on May 26, 2017, IPN reports.

The Additional Protocol aims to facilitate the commercial exchanges by simplifying the border procedures at all the stages, the electronic exchange of information and mutual recognition of national programs and authorized economic operators.

The document also defines the methods and obligations in the exchange of data between customs authorities. To implement the protocol, each member state should be able to benefit from assistance from foreign donors.

The document takes effect when it is accepted by two thirds of the CEFTA member states. These are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Kosovo.