
MPs of government coalition discuss Communists’ attitude to Association Agreement


The statement by which the Communist lawmakers explain their negative attitude to the Association Agreement with the EU is confusing, while the invoked arguments lack sound logic, MPs of the government coalition said in the program “Fabrika” on Publika TV channel, IPN reports.

Liberal-Democratic MP Tudor Deliu ridiculed the opposition lawmakers. “The European Union wants to sign the Association Agreement with us because they want to take our gold, petroleum and cosmic rockets. The Communists must understand that the EU only wants to help us to have a better life. They don’t know what they really want. It’s very hard to believe the Communists. In fact, they are not fully against the accord, but they have a different approach,” said Deliu.

Liberal-Reformist lawmaker Ana Gutu said the statement of the Communist MPs concerning the Association Agreement should not surprise us as this is something typical of the Communists’ behavior. “They wanted to express their negative attitude to the accord, but were unable to provide arguments. This is typical of their behavior. They could not change their opinion overnight. They behave as they want to behave,” she stated.

Democratic lawmaker Oleg Tulea considers that the Communists’ statement is confusing and lacks substantiation. “By this statement, they aimed to bring the ambiguous discussions inside the party to an end. We didn’t expect something else from them. They disseminated myths in order to frighten the people. The Association Agreement does not provide benefits for parties. It is advantageous for the people. The benefit for Moldova is greater than the benefit for the EU,” he said.

On June 19, the Communist parliamentary group said that they will not vote for the ratification of the Association Agreement between Moldova and the EU. Communist MPs declined the invitation to come to “Fabrika” to explain their position.

The accord is to be signed on June 27. Afterward, it will be ratified by the legislatures of the EU member states and by Moldova’s Parliament.