
MPs argue over living standards in Moldova


Socialist MP Vasile Bolea said the living conditions in Moldova during the past four years have worsened. According to him, the people do not have money to pay the exaggerated tariffs and in general for living, IPN reports.

“The young people leave home and this is a sad reality. What remained in this country was robbed, sold, conceded, privatized and it happened under the management of the Democratic Party under the slogan of the European integration,” Vasile Bolea stated in the program “Key issue” on NTV Moldova channel.

Democratic MP Eugen Nikiforchuk replied that the government played a decisive role in the country’s development during the past four years. According to him, there is place for the better, but no government that ruled in the Republic of Moldova did more than the current government. “That’s why the people now walk on repaired roads, the young specialists and families can buy homes through the program “First House”. Such projects weren’t implemented in the Republic of Moldova earlier and such investments in the repair of roads, of about 2 billion lei, weren’t made earlier,” stated the MP.

Jurist Sergey Mișin said all these projects initiated by the PDM, including the rise in salaries and pensions, are direct violations of the legislation as all these mean buying of voters and use of administrative resources in the campaign. “The power should be preoccupied with the population’s welfare throughout the mandate, during four years. But we didn’t see this,” he noted.

On November 30, the current Parliament held its last sitting when it could adopt organic laws.