
MP Alexandr Nesterovski sentenced to 12 years in prison


MP Alexandr Nesterovski was sentenced to 12 years in a closed prison and fined 500,000 lei. The decision was pronounced on Wednesday by the Buiucani Court of Chisinau City, IPN reports.

The hearing took place in the absence of Nesterovski.

"From the date of issuance of this sentence, the preventive measure "preventive arrest" is applied in relation to Nesterovski Alexandr and he is listed wanted for being arrested and taken to the appropriate penitentiary institution in order to serve the given sentence," reads the court’s decision.

Nesterovski's lawyer  Iulian Pociurca said that he does not know where his client is. He also does not know if Nesterovski acquired the citizenship of the Russian Federation, as it is rumored.

"The defense, with certainty, can confirm that there is no conclusive evidence that justifies such a harsh punishment as the one imposed today on Nesterovski Alexandru. The decision will be appealed within 15 days," said the lawyer.

According to the police, Alexandr Nesterovski did not leave the Republic of Moldova. "From the information that the Police have at this time, the citizen with this name did not leave the territory of our country. We are going to get acquainted with the conclusion of the court and, if the search file is assigned to the Police, we will immediately take all the required actions," said the press officer of the General Police Inspectorate Diana Fetco.

During the court hearing, a demonstration was being held in front of the court in support of Nesterovski, and MP Vasile Bolea said that this case is "sewn with white thread". "The pronounced sentence has only political reasons," said the parliamentarian.

Alexandr Nesterovschi was accused of passive corruption in particularly large proportions, in the interest of an organized criminal group, and the preparation of the financing of political parties from sources prohibited by law, committed in large proportions.

Nesterovschi was stripped of parliamentary immunity in 2023.

The unaffiliated MP, who is close to Ilan Shor, acquired the citizenship of the Russian Federation, according to the Russian press.