
Most of universities agreed admission periods


The Ministry of Education, Culture and Research allowed the higher education establishments to decide the admission periods themselves. At the Tiraspol State University based in Chisinau, applications will be accepted as of July 6, while at most of universities as from July 16.

At the Technical University, the admission period lasts for four days, from July 16 until July 19. At the State University, the admission will take place between July 16 and July 20, while at the Academy of Economic Studies during July 16 – 22. The latter provides a 50% reduction in tuition fees throughout the period of studies to students who won awards at Olympiads of all types.

The Balti State University “Alecu Russo” will accept applications during July 16 – 25, the Cahul State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” until July 28, the Academy of Music, Theater and Plastic Arts of Chisinau during July 16-23 and July 23-31, while the Military Academy “Alexandru cel Bun” on July 23 and 24.

At the Moldova Free International University, the admission commission will work until July 28. Candidates are urged to fill out an application form on the institution’s website so as to benefit from a reduction. The size is not specified.

The admission period at the Public Administration Academy is approved by a Government decision, but this does not exist yet. The admission period at the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu” hasn’t been yet announced.

The universities do not have a limit for admitting students on a contract basis. They can accept as many students as their institutional capacities allow. The draft state order with budget financing envisions the admission of 4,931 persons to Bachelor’s degree studies and 2,881 persons to Master’s degree studies. As many as 1,205 places are available at education sciences, 737 at engineering activities, 450 at information and communications technology, while 430 at health sciences.

Of the total number of budget-funded places, 15% are intended for orphans and students who remained without parental care, candidates with a sever or accentuated disability, those who parents are disabled or took part in the Nistru war conflict, the Afghanistan war or the Chernobyl cleanup and also other categories of people.

The candidates can apply to several specialties at one of several universities simultaneously, but can be admitted only to one faculty, at one higher education establishment of their choice.