
Most of twelfth graders take last Baccalaureate exam today


The largest part of the twelfth graders sit the last Baccalaureate exam, in the subject of their choice, today, June 17. The exam in the mother tongue on June 20 will be taken only by students speaking other languages than Romanian, IPN reports.

As the other exams, the exam in the subject of one’s choice starts at 9am. The students will be able to enter the Baccalaureate centers only after they present the identity card.

According to the Ministry of Education, over 16,000 candidates chose geography, more than 2,000 –chemistry, over 1,000 students - history and as many - biology, 485 students – math, 395 – physics, while 263 – informatics.

The exam papers will be graded between June 3 and 26 and the grades will be posed at Baccalaureate centers on June 27.