
Most of electoral slogans are of a poor quality, communication expert


Most of the slogans proposed by the election runners for the June 5 local elections are of a poor quality, considers Valentin Dorogan, chair of the Communication Department of the State University of Moldova. Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, the lecturer compiled a list of the most uninspired slogans. The list is topped by the slogan “Choose the deed, not the color!” of the Electoral Bloc “Third Force”. Valentin Dorogan considers that the word “color” is used illogically with the phrase “choose the deed”, which is not explained. Thus, the slogan is inexpressive and has no impact. The list also includes the Communist Party's slogans “Moldova chooses victory!” and “Igor Dodon – the solution for Chisinau!”. Valentin Dorogan said the PCRM makes a connection between the word “victory” and the Soviet period, making an allusion to the Second World War. As to the word “solution”, a person cannot be a solution for the capital city, he stated. The lecturer said that the Democratic Party's slogans “It's time to bring tings in order in Chisinau!” and “It's time for a mayor with a firm grip and care for the people” are also not original. “Is it disorder in the capital city? Does Missis Buliga have a firm grip or is she an iron lady as Margaret Thatcher? She has the image of a kind mother,” he said. According to Valentin Dorogan, the Liberal Party's slogans “Together with Dorin Chirtoaca for Chisinau!”, “Together for our village!”, and “Together for our city!” are diffuse. “Dorin Chirtoaca for Chisinau or for the village. What village – Colonita or all the villages and towns?” asked the lecturer. “The words used by the Christian Democratic People's Party in the slogan “The one who will do justice is coming!” are banal, but it's good that they urge the people to vote - “Vote for Radu Busila!” And “Vote for the PPCD's team!”,” said Valentin Dorogan. The list is closed by the Liberal Democratic Party's slogan “Together for Moldova!”, which, according to Valentin Dorogan, is very simple and colorless.