
MOST IMPORTANT NEWS ARTICLES of January 30 – February 05, 2017 in retrospect


On January 30, the Ministry of Health of Moldova and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) signed an agreement in accordance with which UNDP will buy vital medicines for Moldovan patients in 2017. The drugs will be purchased within a number of national and special health programs, including the National Program on Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS and STIs. UNDP Moldova will also support the modernization of conditions for storing drugs, based on the best distribution practices.

On January 31, Ion Ungureanu was rendered homage in a farewell ceremony. Relatives, people of culture, friends and state officials bid farewell to actor and stage manager Ion Ungureanu, who was minister of culture in 1990-1994. The farewell ceremony was held at the National Palace “Nicolae Sulac”. Ion Ungureanu acted in 25 films made at “Moldova-film” and “Mosfilm”. He worked as an actor and stage manager at the Central Television in Moscow. Ion Ungureanu took part in events to revitalize the national conscience, being the one who read the Declaration of Independence at the Great National Assembly. In 1990, he entered Moldova’s first Parliament.

New local elections will be held in Racovat village of Soroca district on May 14, 2017. A decision to this effect was taken by the Central Election Commission on January 31. Earlier, the Commission decided that local mayoral elections on May 14 will also take place in Tvardita village of Taraclia district, Pervomaisc village of Causeni district, and Tipala commune and Ulmu village of Ialoveni district.

On February 1, the National Bank of Moldova revised the inflation rate up. It forecast an annual rate of inflation of 5.2% for 2017 and of 4.9% for 2018. The new figures are higher than the ones projected in the previous forecast round, but are within the interval of 5% ±1.5 percentage points stipulated in the Bank’s average-term monetary policy.

Over 350 businessmen and manufacturers exhibited their products at “Made in Moldova” 2017. The exhibit was held on February 1-5. In the opening of the event, Prime Minister Pavel Filip said a business entity now shouldn’t be large, but should be intelligent. The Government he heads is pro-business and aims to make investments in the public and private sectors.

On February 3, OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Sebastian Kurz, Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, started his visit to Moldova. In the first press briefing held in concert with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Europa Integration of Moldova Andrei Galbur, the Austrian official said he came to Chisinau to form an impression on the spot. The next day, Sebastian Kurz had separate meetings with President Igor Dodon and Prime Minister Pavel Filip. He also paid a visit to Tiraspol.

Selection by Anastasia Rusu, IPN