
MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS of May 1-7, 2017 in retrospect


On May 2, Prime Minister Pavel Filip announced that the International Monetary Fund transferred US$ 6 million of the about US$ 21.5 million made available to Moldova following the competition of the First Reviews. Another US$ 7 million will be transferred on May 9. The IMF forecast for Moldova an economic growth of 4.5% in 2017, higher than it was projected earlier.

On May 2, the Central Election Commission (CEC) suspended the local referendum of May 21, where the inhabitants of Sangera town and those of Dobrogea and Revaca communes were to pronounce on the building of the hazardous waste management center on the outskirts of the town. The decision was taken based on the notification of the Sangera Town Council by the Chisinau local office of the State Chancellery of the violation of the legal provisions on decision making by the local public administration in connection with the initiation of the local referendum.

Mayor of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca on May 2 announced that the contract with EME Parkleitsystem, which was to build pay parking lots in Chisinau, was suspended. The company was informed about this by an official letter. The decision was taken after seven persons last week were arrested on corruption charges in a case concerning the selection of companies that were to build pay parking lots in Chisinau. Among those arrested are deputy mayor Nistor Grozavu and head of the Public Transport and Communications Division Igor Gamretski. The first was placed under house arrest, while the second is held on remand at Penitentiary No. 13.

On May 4, the MPs took cognizance of the resignation tendered by Liliana Palihovici from the post of Deputy Speaker, which she had held for seven years, and from that of Member of Parliament. The vacated seat was occupied by the next substitute candidate on the list of the Liberal Democratic Party Nicolae Olaru, who said in Parliament he will serve as an independent MP. Former deputy minister of agriculture Nicolae Olaru was investigated over the appropriation of about 30 hectares of land in Stauceni, which belongs to the National College of Vine and Wine, together with other functionaries. Now that he became an MP, he will enjoy parliamentary immunity. According to prosecutors, Nicolae Olaru could be yet investigated if the prosecutor general requests to withdraw his immunity and his request is granted by Parliament.

The Government of the Republic of Moldova on May 4 signed a framework agreement of cooperation with the Government of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco, which is designed to develop cooperation in all the areas of mutual interest. The document was signed after the bilateral meeting of Prince Albert II of Monaco, who was in Chisinau on a visit, with Prime Minister Pavel Filip. The Premier said this visit is historic and will definitely imprint new dimensions on the bilateral cooperation.

Also on May 4, there was signed a memorandum of understanding between the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the Ministry of Environment of Moldova. On this occasion, the Foundation expressed its intention to examine possibilities of supporting particular environmental projects in Moldova to facilitate the functioning of the first national park “Orhei National Park” and to work out ten plans for conserving ten species of birds from Ramsar sites included in the Red Book. The Foundation will also offer support to rehabilitate the Botanical Garden following the late April snowfall.

On May 5, the Republic of Moldova and Turkey have signed new cooperation documents in a number of areas within the visit paid by Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim to Chisinau. The sides signed a joint statement on the creation of a Strategic Cooperation Council between the Republic of Moldova and Turkey, the agreement on social security and the administrative arrangement for its implementation. There was also signed the protocol of cooperation between the National Public Broadcaster “Teleradio Moldova” and the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation and the agreement of cooperation between the press agency “Moldpres” of Chisinau and the press agency “Anadolu” of Turkey as well as the memorandum of understanding between organizations for the development of SMEs in the two states. On May 6, the Turkish official travelled to Comrat.

Parliament on May 5 adopted the Democratic Party’s bill to amend the Election Code and replace the party-list proportional representation system with the uninominal voting system. In the same sitting, the MPs also passed the bill on the mixed-member electoral system that was proposed by the Socialists on the initiative of President Igor Dodon. After a pause and a meeting of the Parliament’s commission for appointments and immunities, the MPs decided to merge the Democrats’ bill on the uninominal voting system with the Socialists’ bill on the mixed-member electoral system, taking the latter as a basis. The commission’s head Raisa Apolski said that the commission will finalize the text of the bill within five days and then this will be submitted to the MPs, the parliamentary commissions, the Government and the Venice Commission. Almost 20 NGOs and public figures issued a statement, saying the hurry in which the bills concerning the mixed-member electoral system and the uninominal voting systems were included in the agenda of the Parliament’s sitting shows the goal is to promote political interests at any cost and the insistent promotion of the two initiatives means infringement of the law, democracy and common sense.

Selection by Alina Marin, IPN