
Moscow wants to transform Gagauzia into Russian enclave, experts


Moscow wants to transform the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia into a Russian enclave through which to control Chisinau. Such conclusions were formulated in the talk show “In depth” on PRO TV Chisinau channel, IPN reports.

Political analyst Nicolae Chirtoaca said that Russia implements strategies that divide society in Moldova. The Kremlin’s plan is to control and fully subdue Moldova. It controls the Transnistrian region and now intends to gain control of Gagauzia too.

The analyst criticized harshly the Moldovan authorities for not solving on time the Gagauz problem. “We should have offered the Gagauz people assistance so that they studied in the mother tongue and learned the official language and were less Soviet-like. But we did nothing,” stated Chirtoaca.

Political analyst Oazu Nantoi considers that Russia launched an offensive on Moldova in order to distance it from the EU and take control of it through federalization.

The expert also blamed Chisinau for the situation created in Gagauzia. “The Moldovan political class banked on the split of voters. Each political segment has its own voters. This created favorable conditions for Russia to implement its plans in Gagauzia. Regretfully, Chisinau reacts only when something serious happens. The Gagauz autonomous unit turned into an enclave. There are people of good faith there, but instigators come and, being helped by the Russian mass media, transform the population into a docile one,” stated Nantoi.