
Moscow reacts to Chisinau’s request to UN concerning Russian troops withdrawal


Moldova’s Ambassador in Moscow Andrei Negruta was invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia in connection with Chisinau’s request to the UN to include the pullout of the Russian troops from Transnistria in its 72nd session of the start of September. Moscow describes this act as provocation, IPN reports.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Moscow examined this measure of Chisinau, which ignores the real reasons for the presence of the limited Russian contingent on the Nistru, as a new act of the recent and hostile series of acts by Moldovan politicians, who do not want the bilateral relations to be improved.

“Those who initiate such actions that do not meet the aspirations of a significant part of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova should understand that these will have an inevitable negative effect on the bilateral cooperation and on the process of resolving the crisis in Transnistria,” it is said in the Ministry’s press release.

On July 21, Moldova’s Parliament adopted a Declaration stating that the continuous stationing of Russian troops and the strengthening of military presence in the eastern part of Moldova amounted to violations of the Moldovan Constitution, in particular its independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and permanent neutrality provisions, as well as of international law. It urged Russia to resume and finalize the process of withdrawing its troops, ammunition, armament and military equipment from Moldova’s territory, in conformity with its international commitments and relevant principles of international law.

In virtue of these provisions, by a letter to the UN Secretary General, the Government of Moldova initiated the procedure for having the issue of the withdrawal of foreign troops from its territory included in the agenda of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly opening on September 12. At the start of the session, the Assembly will examine the applications of the member states, including Moldova, and will decide which of the proposals submitted by the parties will be put on the agenda of the 72nd session and which will be left for consideration at the future sessions.