
Moscow cannot evacuate the armament of Transnistria because of Tiraspol administration


Russian Federation does not evacuate the armament stocked in Transnistria, as authorities of Tiraspol do not allow this thing, Russian minister of defence Serghei Ivanov announced about this Tuesday press conference. According to him, after the Soviet Union fell, Russia got out of Transnistria about half of the armament locate there, but later the leadership of unrecognised RMN opposed to transporting of armament an d ammunitions. Russian militaries located in Transnistria guard the armament and ammunitions left on the territory since Soviet times, and Russia „does not want this armament to get into unknown hands”, Ivanov noted. Ivanov informed that now there are in Transnistria about 1,5000 militaries of Russian Federation, located in this area with the agreement of Moldova and Ukraine. He also mentioned that Russia was always for and is for peaceful regulation of Transnistrian conflict. Now the withdrawal of Russian armament of Transnistrian region is one of the main topics discussed by Chisinau and Moscow. Multiple decision-making bodies of Russia were for its stay in Transnistrian region for at least 20 years. Political analysts of Moldova, but also western ones, comment Russia’s position as attempt to maintain the influence sphere in the region.