
More than 250 children didn’t attend school in 2013


The number of settlements that do not have a kindergarten during a year decreased by 80 to 149 in 19 districts. According to Deputy Minister of Education Igor Grosu, in 16 settlements of the 149, there is no need to open a kindergarten as there are no children of preschool age.

Contacted by IPN, the deputy minister said that 251 children aged between 7 and 16 didn’t attend school this year. Of them, 117 went abroad together with their parents. Among other causes for school non-attendance are the difficult financial situation, vagrancy, refusal to go to school and early marriages. Of the total number of children who do not attend school, 88 are Romanies.
Igor Grosu underlined that the solving of problems related to school non-attendance and prevention of school abandonment are among the Ministry of Education’s priorities.

As to the Baccalaureate exams, the deputy minister said there is quality in some of the institutions and it should be multiplied. “The best students were able to get high grades and secured thus a budget-funded place at the university,” he stated.

He added that about 7 billion lei was invested in the education system in 2013. Recently, Romania decided to allocate €20 million for the schools and kindergartens of Moldova.