
More service providers present quality parameters to ICT regulator


The number of service providers that measured and presented the quality parameters of their services to the National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology rose by 13% during a year to 153. The Agency published a relevant report on its website to familiarize the consumers with the quality of the electronic communications services that they use or intend to purchase, IPN reports.

According to the report, the ratio of presenting information about the values of the given parameters to the number of providers that are obliged to make such information public was 97.5%. Of the 153 providers, only 31 published the information on their websites.

By the end of 2015, the providers had to measure the quality parameters of seven public services: fixed-line telephony, Internet access, electronic communications provided through IP networks, electronic communications provided through the ISDN network, rented lines, mobile telephony and television.

After reviewing its decision, the Agency’s Administration Board reduced the number of the given services to four: fixed-line telephony, Internet access, mobile telephony and television. The new decision takes effect in the first quarter of 2016.