
More parts of purported missile discovered in field in Chițcani


Other parts of an alleged rocket were identified in a field in Chițcani village in the Transnistrian region. The Transnistrian administration believes these are elements of the presupposed rocket discovered on Monday in a garden in the same locality, IPN reports.

The de facto ministry of the interior in Tiraspol said the metallic parts of cylindrical form were discovered on Tuesday evening by a man from Chițcani during field works. One of the parts was about 3 meters long.

At the scene, specialists established that those were parts of the purported S-300 rocket, namely of the fuel reservoir and the engine. The so-called authorities from the left side of the Nistru said that no one was hurt and called on the population to remain calm.

A S-300 missile was identified in the region on Monday, announced Oleg Belyakov, Tiraspol’s representative in the Joint Control Commission. Elements of the rocket made in 1968 fell down in a garden in Chițcani. No victim or damage was reported.

The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Moldova said the origin of the identified object wasn't clear and the trajectory of this hadn’t been confirmed by independent sources.

In a news conference on Tuesday, the government’s spokesman Daniel Vodă referred to the purported missile identified in the Transnistrian region. “I want to repeat once again that the situation witnessed on Monday is due to the fact that we have a war close to our borders, a war of aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. There are a series of unclear things here. The Ministry of Defense hasn’t confirmed the fact that unidentified objects entered the national airspace,” he stated, noting that Chisinau’s representative in the Joint Control Commission will make inquiries to find out more details.