
Monument to deportees will arrive in Chisinau with delay


The monument in memory of the deportees will be brought to Chisinau with delay owing to the non-adoption of the municipal budget for 2013.

Contacted by IPN, the head of the Capital Constructions Division Roman Sofroni said the monument to deportees is made in Minsk. It is gradually cast in bronze. The factory will not deliver the monument until the municipality pays 10 million lei for the works.

Roman Sofroni also said that besides the 10 million lei they also need about 13 million lei to lay out the adjoining area, including to renovate the fountain in the square of the Railway Terminal, the sidewalk, the fence and the electric power lines.

The frame of the monument to the victims of the Stalinist regime was sent to Minsk to be cast in bronze at the start of February. The monument will be put up in the square of the Railway Terminal in Chisinau.