
Monography dedicated to Moldovan sculpture launched at National Library


A monography entitled “Thematic compositions in Moldovan sculpture: 1940 – 2010” by Ana Marian was launched at the National Library of Moldova. The author said she worked for eight years on the book. Two copies of the monography will be kept at the National Library, IPN reports.

The idea of conducting a comprehensive study of thematic compositions appeared as a result of long-lasting research centering on Moldovan sculpture. The book depicts four distinct periods. The 1940-1960 period refers to the early stages of the genres of people’s sculptural compositions, including Moldovan troikas, but these cannot be followed extensively as the works made in that period didn’t survive World War II. The 1961-1970 period is characterized as a period of experiments with materials and forms, the compositions being the result of searches so that different stylistic approaches could be found in the works of one artist. The 1971-1990 period reflects a diversity in approaches. Besides the official thematic, there appeared allegoric compositions, prophesies and enigmas. The generation of sculptures of 1991-2010 pleaded for new solutions in sculpture. The period is characterized by abstract compositions.

National Library director Elena Pintilei said the author of the monography emphasizes an important inheritance. Ana Marian starts from the rural crucifixes that weren’t destroyed and reveals the authors who included ordinary people. The given book will find its reader and will be present at the library’s exhibitions that promote sculpture.

The monography was produced at the Institute of Cultural Heritage in 2011-2014, was reviewed and supplemented in 2015-2017 and was printed by co-financing at the Știința Publishing House in 2018.