
Moment of silence observed at Parliament’s first sitting this session


With a delay of almost half an hour, the MPs started the first plenary sitting of the current session. Traditionally, the meeting began with the honoring of the state flag. The state anthem was sung by the children’s folklore ensemble “Mugurașii” of Roșcani village of Anenii Noi district, IPN reports.

At the very beginning of the sting, there was presented the new MP of the Party of Action and Solidarity Nicolae Plamadeala, whose seat was recently validated by the Constitutional Court.

The MPs observed a moment of silence in memory of the first President of the Republic of Moldova Mircea Snegur, who passed away a year ago.

They also commemorated their PAS mate Iurie Păsat, who died at the beginning of August due to anaphylactic shock caused by wasp stings. “He was a diligent, hardworking, upright colleague, who worked for many years for his community in Bălceana, Hancesti district. He will remain in our memory and our duty is to honor him,” said Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu.