
Moment of silence in memory of combatants who died in Cosnita


Several dozens of veterans and volunteers laid flowers and stood silent for a moment in memory of the combatants who were killed on the battlefield in Cosnita in 1992. Commemoration events are traditionally staged on May 19. A commemorative dinner is held near the Commemorative Cross monument in Cosnita, Info-Prim Neo reports. Before going to Cosnita today, colonel in reserve Andrei Covrig said an attempt was made on May 19, 1992 to open the way to the Dubasari-Tiraspol road. “Unfortunately, it was unsuccessful. Hundreds of patriots died and many armored cars were destroyed,” he said. According to him, the former combatants are obliged to lay flowers on this day. “We cannot forget the great patriot Filip Lupascu as well as Ion Mocanu, who was shot when he was giving first aid to an injured comrade,” Andrei Covrig said. Victor Patrascu, who holds the Stephan the Great Order, said brave soldiers died in 1992 while defending the country and the people. He formed part of the special police brigade Fulger when he remained without his hand. “I was trying to take my injured comrades away when a mine exploded and tore my hand,” Victor Patrascu said. He now has a prosthesis and will lay flowers with it in honor of those who had died. Captain in reserve Stefan Jurja said in 1992 he left his three children aged 4, 7 and 9 at home and went to war. “I continue to feel that pain and sorrow,” he said. In battle, he was injured by 18 shell splinters. “Villains from Russia came to our country and ill-treated our people. They raped women and beat children and old persons. We were at home and could not let foreigners do what they wanted,” Stefan Jurja said. More than 32,000 persons fought on the battlefield in Cosnita in 1992. Over 400 of them were killed.