
Moldtelecom has been labeled SMP provider on two markets


The national public operator Moldtelecom has been assigned the status of provider with significant market power (SMP) on the market of retail access to the telephone network at a fixed location and on the market of retail access to broadband services, under a decision published today by the Telecommunications Regulatory Agency, Info-Prim Neo reports. A provider is considered to have significant market power when it holds a market share of 35% or more and if, following market analysis, the Agency finds this particular market to lack effective competition. The Agency's decision was remitted to Moldtelecom and the Agency for Competition Protection. Within 10 days, the latter is due to include the SMP provider in the list of companies with a dominant position on the relevant markets and publish this list in the Official Gazette. On the expiry of this term, the Telecommunications Regulatory Agency has the right to impose special preventive obligations on the SMP provider. A draft decision to this effect will be submitted to the Agency's Board for consideration in the near future. The purpose of regulation in this case is to remove the negative effects of Moldtelecom's SMP status on the above-mentioned markets and stimulate effective competition.