
Moldova’s Constitutional Court celebrates 20th anniversary


Twenty years after its foundation, the Constitutional Court (CC) of Moldova implements international standards in in its work. However, particular changes need to be made to the legislation so that the Court could work in conditions similar to those in the EU, CC president Alexandru Tanase said in the event held to celebrate the anniversary, IPN reports.

Alexandru Tanase stated that the 20 years represent an important period of time during which the CC played a crucial role in the most difficult political situations. It was the institution that in fact established the key lines in the formulation of legislation and stimulated the setting of the most important standards on the protection of human rights and freedoms. In the event, they will discuss the CC’s role in the conflict between the authorities and its independence as Moldova not long ago lived an unpleasant experience when Parliament adopted a bill that limited the Court’s rights in a way.

The CC president considers the Court’s activity is a classical one, close to the activity of any similar EU court. As to the case law, the Court fully adopted the international standards and has a very good relationship with the Venice Commission. They would like to have better relations with the senior administration too and to cooperate, in particular, in identifying the reform steps that should be taken with regard to the CC.

Alexandru Tanase also said that a joint EU project to facilitate the dialogue with the state authorities and to improve the CC’s activity will be soon launched. A key goal is to depoliticize the Court’s agenda and to create conditions to enable the people to file applications to the CC. The goal of depoliticization will be achieved when the number of applications submitted by people will be larger than the number of applications filed by MPs.   

Attending the event, Minister of Justice Vladimir Cebotari said this conference should help reach conclusions that will allow working out mechanisms for improving the work of this institution. Namely the CC should supervise the constitutional implementation of laws and, even if some criticize its work, this means that the institution does its job and is not at someone’s beck and call.

The minister encouraged the Constitutional Court to continue work freely and equidistantly.