
Moldovans trust Vlad Filat and Vladimir Voronin the most


The Moldovans have the greatest confidence in Vlad Filat and Vladimir Voronin, shows the Public Opinion Barometer. Asked which of the Moldovan political personalities they trust the most, 17.6% of the respondents said they trust the Liberal-Democratic leader Vlad Filat, while 17.1% said they trust the Communist leader Vladimir Voronin, Info-Prim Neo reports. Marian Lupu comes third with 7.4%. He is followed by Dorin Chirtoaca with 6.8%, Igor Dodon with 5.9%, Mihai Ghimpu with 3.5%, and Zinaida Greceanyi with 0.7%. Asked the same question, but being offered possible answers, 42.5% of those polled said they trust Vlad Filat, 36% - Vladimir Voronin, 32% - Dorin Chirtoaca, 19% - Mihai Ghimpu. Asked about parties, 39% of those questioned said they trust the PCRM the most, 38% - the PLDM, 27% - the PL, while 24% - the PDM. The PDM in May gained 30%. The opinion poll was conducted between October 22 and November 6 and covered a sample of 1 113 persons from 99 settlements. The margin of sampling error is 3%.