
Moldovans speak less on landline, but pay more for this service


The number of users of the landline home phone service and the volume of voice traffic in the landline networks in the first half of this year continued to decrease. However, the revenues obtained by the providers have increased, IPN reports.

The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology said the number of home phone customers decreased by 0.8% compared with the end of 2014, to 1.2 million, while the total volume of voice traffic declined by 21.4% to 1.7 billion minutes. The penetration rate of the landline service fell to 34%.

The revenues received by SA “Moldtelecom” from landline phone services in the period rose by 0.8% to over 476 million lei. The aggregated revenues of the 22 alternative landline service providers grew by 5.3% to more than 31.8 million lei.

The average monthly revenue per user was 69.8 lei. The ARPU of “Moldtelecom” was 72.6 lei, while of the alternative providers – 44.2 lei.