Moldovan-Ukrainian commission for economic collaboration meets after 5-year break
The Moldovan-Ukrainian inter-governmental commission for commercial-economic collaboration reunited after a 5-year break on Friday, November 11, in Chisinau. Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Valeriu Lazar stated during the event that the bilateral relations were marked by high-level meetings, meant to support a favorable cooperation climate, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“According to 8 months' results, Ukraine is Moldova's third biggest commercial partner, ranking second in terms of imports and forth in terms of exports. We highlighted the unfulfilled potential of our collaboration and agreed to work to eliminate obstacles such as taxes on some products that aren't included in the free trade regime”, said Valeriu Lazar.
According Lazar, both sides expressed their interest to join the European network of transmission system operators for electricity ENTSO-E and agreed to conduct studies about the possible unification of the Moldovan and Ukrainian energy markets.
Iuri Boico, commission's co-chairman representing Ukraine, and Minister of Energy and Coal Industry in Kiev, said that signing the commission's meeting protocol opened new perspectives of solving problems accumulated over the years. Some of them are related to the recognition of property rights over some objects and to the implementation of energy projects.
“Moldova and Ukraine have always had a good cooperation in sectors like transports, agriculture and industry, energy, and we want to resume it. We're confident that the new relations will best the previous ones by launching important, mutually advantageous projects”, stressed the Ukrainian official.
The Ukrainian side committed to balance and unify the excise rates for brandy and other spirits by presenting draft amendments to the fiscal legislation no later than the end of 2011.
Meanwhile, Moldova will put into effect the amendments about the ecologic tax on Tetra Pak imported drinks beginning on January 1, 2012, and will establish a mechanism of managing this type of waste by following the European practice. A draft law in this regard has been approved by the Government.
The two sides agreed to sign a cooperation memorandum between the Organization for attracting investments and promoting exports from Moldova and the similar institution from Ukraine. The agreements also stipulate the opening of two border-crossing points at Unguri-Bronnita and Rososani-Briceni.
The next meeting of the joint commission will take place in April or May 2012 in Kiev.