
Moldovan students take part in PISA assessment


More than 5,400 students from 229 schools are taking part in the main testing of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) between March 31 and April 2. PISA is a comparative study launched in 2000 to assess the competence of the 15-year-old students from a number of countries in three areas: science, math and reading, IPN reports.

In a press release, the Ministry of Education says the results of the PISA assessment show how prepared the ninth graders are at the end of the school year, no matter whether they intend to continue the studies or to start work. Moldova joined the program in 2009 and is taking part in it the second year. Five such assessments were organized at world level so far, with the testing of 2015 being the sixth. The final results of the study carried out this year will be provided in 2016.

The Ministry of Education said the Moldovan students had poor results in the PISA 2009+ test. In the area of reading, Moldova ranked 65th out of 74 participating countries with an average score of 388 points, under the average in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development that initiated this program. In math, Moldova took the 59th position, while in science – the 57th.