
Moldovan Parliament to reiterate condemnation of Russia’s war in Ukraine


The governing party PAS has introduced a draft declaration whereby the Moldovan Parliament will condemn the brutality of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine to mark the somber one-year anniversary.

The draft declaration notes that Russia has been waging an illegal, unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine since February 2014, and amplified on 24 February 2022 with a full-scale invasion. According to the document, this act of aggression represents war crimes and a flagrant and serious violation of the principles of international law and the international commitments assumed by the Russian Federation.

It urges Russia to immediately cease military activities in Ukraine and unconditionally withdraw all military forces and equipment from the entire internationally recognized territory of Ukraine. At the same time, the authorities of the Republic of Moldova support the efforts of the community of democratic states to establish a special tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine, to establish responsibility for war crimes and for all violations of international humanitarian law committed by the Russian Federation and its henchmen in Ukraine.

The document confirms the readiness of the authorities of the Republic of Moldova to continue to provide humanitarian assistance and aid to the citizens of Ukraine who are seeking refuge due to the war.

The declaration also makes a call for unity, vigilance and responsibility to all citizens of the Republic of Moldova who want peace and freedom.

Today, Speaker Igor Grosu stated: “(It has been o)ne year since the Russian aggression, unprecedented in Europe since the Second World War. Moldova has opened its doors wide for Ukrainian refugees, Moldovan citizens continue to host over 80 thousand Ukrainians. We want this unjust war to end as soon as possible. But not any way. We were and remain with our friends in Ukraine and the brave Ukrainian people”