
Moldovan migrant workers no longer want to send money back home, Mihai Godea


“The new procedure of indirect determination of individual income is nothing but the Government wanting to stick its hands in the pockets of those who earn a living elsewhere”, stated MP Mihai Godea at a press briefing on Friday, Info-Prim Neo reports. Godea asserts the Moldovan government doesn’t have any right to require people to account for the money that they earn abroad. “The Government’s intention is a first step towards punishing undeclared remittances starting next year, and the fact that the courage to admit this intention can’t be summoned, proves that the citizens are governed by cowardly and irresponsible politicians”, stated Mihai Godea, who leads the Democratic Action Party. According to Mihai Godea, the Moldovan migrant workers have been forced to seek jobs abroad because of the incompetent and corrupt Moldovan governments. “This intention can’t be even called fiscal policy, but a tribute policy, a policy of tithes that the state takes from its citizens without offering anything in return (...) Guaranteeing the right not to declare the income earned abroad was left just as a promise of the European Integration Alliance’s leaders. They have forgotten about it like many others. This policy may come back as a boomerang against the State Budget, which owes much of its revenues to the money sent from abroad’’, said Godea. The politician added that he possesses information from several diaspora leaders about the fact that Moldovans will no longer send money, but food home, so that they won’t support the Government’s policy to tax the money earned through the sweat of their brow. Many of these families would be tempted to settle abroad permanently. The new procedure of indirect determination of income allows the evaluation of people’s income by comparing the data of the income returns with their expenses. In attaining this goal, the State Fiscal Inspectorate will analyze, among other, the data of the “Cadastru” and “Registru” state institutions, but also of the National Bank, travel agencies and notaries.