Moldovan judokas in the first half of this year obtained remarkable results on the international arena in all the age categories. The athletes said they will continue to work to achieve better results so that Moldova’s anthem is played at the next Olympic Games. To be able to qualify, they need to contend in rather many competitions.
In a news conference hosted by IPN, the Moldovan Judo Federation’s president Andrei Golban said that it is harder to qualify in the case of judo as a number of competitions need to be covered. “There is a rating and there are about 50 competitions over the past two years in which we need to take part to remain among the top 22 in the European rankings. That’s why we have to take part so often in competitions and also need a rather large budget. Otherwise, we will be unable to qualify for the Olympic Games,” stated Andrei Golban
The Federation’s secretary general Valeriu Duminică said that the Moldovan judokas achieved results in all the age categories, starting from U15 and continuing with U18, U21 and the seniors. “I will begin with Denis Vieru, who ranks first in the 66 kg weight class. This year he won a bronze medal at the most valuable tournament of the world – the World Cup “Grand Slam” in Paris. Radu Izvoreanu and Mihail Latyshev won bronze medals at the Grand Prix of Portugal. Victor Sterpu won a gold medal at the Cup in Poland this year and also a bronze at the Grand Slam in Tbilisi,” stated Valeriu Duminică.
Judoka Adil Osmanov won a silver medal at the World Cup in Poland and a bronze at the Grand Prix of Austria. At the World Cup in Poland, Dorin Coțonoagă won a bronze, while Petru Pelivan won a bronze at the Grand Prix of Austria. “In the youth category, Vlad Mitru distinguished himself by winning a bronze at the European Cup in Portugal. And the last result, in the cadets category, a nice result was obtained by Renat Croitoru – a gold medal in the European Cup in Portugal,” said Valeriu Duminică.
The representatives of the Judo Federation said that the Moldovan athletes enjoy a lot of support from the partners, such as the Association for Supporting Community Initiatives and Sport. A.S.I.C.S. provides scholarships and awards to the athletes with accomplishments at international competitions and covers the travel expenses when these go to competitions.
“Today, a group of young people leave for a new Balkan competition. We wish them success! I also thank mister president Golban for presenting these talented young people to us. He convinced us that we have valuable athletes in Moldova – current and future champions. The Association A.S.I.C.S will continue doing what it undertook to do – to invest in accomplishments,” stated the Association’s president of honor Plamen Milanov.
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