
Moldovan judges and banks take part together in raider attacks, accusations


The banks and judges of Moldova are taking part together in the organization of raider attacks on economic entities, businessman Oleg Caminschi said in a news conference at IPN. According to him, such an attack was made on his company Covconsgrup.

Oleg Caminschi stated that his company took out loans of about 62 million lei from Victoriabank. With this money they erected two buildings with commercial rentals of about 10,000 square meters, to the value of 145 million lei.

“It seemed that everything was fine. The buildings started to be used. Those who rented areas from us started to work, but the attitude of Victoriabank was very hostile. By all the methods, they tried to get as many informal payments from us as possible,” stated Oleg Caminschi.

The businessman said the bank placed different obstacles so as to prevent him from selling or leasing out the rentals. Therefore, he didn’t manage to pay a part of the debts. His company allowed the bank to use an area of 2,000 square meters to the value of 35 million lei. They agreed to use it in concert, but Victoriabank sold it later without consulting the firm for 27 million lei, causing thus damage of 8 million lei to Covconsgrup.

Moreover, Victoriabank together with Valan International Cargo Chartier, staged a raider attack on his company on the pretext of a debt of about 50,000 lei that the firm would have had to Valan International. As a result, the procedure of declaring Covconsgrup insolvent was started.

Oleg Caminschi said he was removed from the company’s administration and was even deprived of his car, which was later sold at a price that represented one fifth of its real value. When the loan was taken out from Victoriabank, the pledged property was only 2,000 square meters in area and, even if the bank’s request had been founded, it would have had the right to claim only these 2,000 meters, not yet the rest of the areas built later by the company.

“The insolvency procedure of a company with assets of over 150 million lei was initiated by a company claiming debts of 50,000 lei. There are well-planned stratagems in Moldova’s legal system. For example, in the case of Victoriabank, the owners Mister Platon and the team find gaps or elements that can be interpreted in the legislation and use these legal gates to dispossess private individuals and legal entities of assets and money,” said activist Igor Caldare. According to him, such schemes wouldn’t be successful without corrupt judges.

Igor Caldare related another case. According to him, a judge of the Rascani Court named ordinary employee Alexei Craciun as owner and administrator of two companies without informing him. The given companies illegally took out a loan of €5 million from Banca de Economii (BEM). Alexei Craciun was later found dead. This scheme was aimed at stealing money from the BEM and shifting the responsibility onto a person who went missing. Furthermore, documents and applications with the alleged signature of Alexei Craciun continued to appear after his death.

“The banks are appropriated by cunning fellows. Afterward, the banks, together with other cunning fellows, make effort to get money from persons who are unable to defend themselves from such stratagems used by the banks,” stated Igor Caldare. He accused the president of the Supreme Court of Justice Mihai Poalelungi of incompetence and complicity in the illegalities committed in the legal system.

The case of Covconsgrup is to be examined by the Supreme Court of Justice as Oleg Caminschi won the case in the first court, but lost it in the Appeals Court.