
Moldovan agricultural and food products to be promoted in the Czech Republic


The agricultural and food products from Moldova will be promoted in the Czech Republic by settling cooperation and trade relations with the Czech companies within the Moldovan-Czech project “Support for the Development of Rural Sector by Strengthening Capacity of Extension Service”. The project will be implemented in Moldova in the next three years. The project includes organizing and implementing training programmes and study trips to the Czech Republic, drawing some recommendations over the training method and general management of the National Agency for Rural Development (ACSA). It is also planned to create an informational system in the food sector. This informational system will be constituted from databases which will contain detailed information on the agricultural products sold on the local and Czech markets. The training programmes and the study trips will focus on the Joint Agricultural Policy of the European Union (PAC), the experience of the Czech colleagues before the accession to the European Union, especially the negotiation process in the agricultural and rural sector, the experience of the Czech service for rural extension and the perspectives of developing the consultancy network ACSA via the European course of Moldova. 30 employees of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and of the regional agricultural departments, 50 agricultural producers and 75 ACSA consultants will be involved in the implementation of these activities. The project will be implemented by the Czech Agricultural University in Prague in partnership with ACSA and will be financed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic.