
Moldova will soon have a National Health Policy


The draft of the National Health Policy (NHP), worked out by the Ministry of Health (MH) in concert with the civil society and international organisations, was debated Tuesday as part of the conference “National Health Policy: importance and prospects”, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to MH, NHP sets its objectives to improve the health system in Moldova for the next 15 years and represents a series of priorities and directions for developing the health sector. The low level of incomes, lack of jobs and social support, the increase of the level of stress due to the instability of the familial environment because of citizens’ migration in an attempt to earn their living, have affected the health condition of the population in Moldova in the recent years. As experts say, the situation might get better only by joining efforts of the state and nongovernmental institutions, an objective that has been set by working out the NHP. The NHP project includes 14 chapters, which refer to the ensuring of the economic and social security, promotion of health and prevention of diseases, ensuring a healthy start in life, maintenance of young generation’s health, strengthening of old people’s health, the control of the chronic non-contagious and contagious diseases, creation of a safe and healthy environment, rational nutrition and increased physical activity, formation of a non-smoking society, without alcohol and drugs, guaranteeing of a life with no trauma and violence, improvement of the mental health etc. Attending the conference, Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin stressed the importance of the NHP principles that are welcomed in the Moldova National Development Plan, which is underway. According to the President, in 2001-2007, the volume of the funds planned for the health protection rose fourfold, while the total expenses of the public national budget have increased by 3.3 times in this period.