
Moldova will not resist another change of course, Vlad Filat


Until the next ordinary parliamentary elections, the current government has all the possibilities, but also the responsibility to remove the danger of the change of the country’s European development course, also because Moldova will not resist another change of course, Moldova’s Prime Minister said in the Info-Prim Neo interview “Vlad Filat: We do not have an alternative”, of the series “Year 2012 in Moldova’s and Moldovans’ life” {that was published on December 6, 2012}. According to the Premier, the irreversibility of the European integration process depends on the way the political class realizes the necessity of hastening reforms and improving the communication with society. The interview with Vlad Filat is the first of the series of 12 Info-Prim Neo interviews about the significances of 2012. “The irreversibility of the development course depends on us. Anything is possible and I would like all the responsible Moldovan politicians to understand that the European integration process does not depend on statements, but on work and commitment to implementing the Euro-transformation agenda, with the imminent risks confronting us. We should assume responsibilities as the people appreciate this. They want the rulers to show character and surely reason. “We must strengthen our capacity to communicate, to explain to the people and, first of all to the politicians what are the advantages and risks in a certain situation. I state my opinion: Moldova will not resist another change of course. We have been carried by waves in different directors. I think that at least the alliance colleagues realize this danger and the fact that we have enough time until the next ordinary elections to make this process irreversible. There is enough time to tie the people and the country to the European area of values by signing the abovementioned agreements and by making internal changes at political and economic levels,” said Vlad Filat. He admitted that the communication with society about the European integration process was inefficient. According to him, the number of Euro-optimists diminished partially because the European Union goes through a period of crisis. The political struggles inside the ruling alliance also contributed to such a state of affairs. “The people want certitude in a very calm atmosphere. The communication with people should not be limited to general notions and major directions. I admit that this is our shortcoming. We must clearly explain that more Europe in Moldova means European roads, water pipes, sewerage systems, schools, hospitals and access to funds to develop modern agriculture. It means the right to travel visa-free to any part of Europe and access to studies for our children. I do not want to put the task of disseminating certain messages on the press, but Moldovan citizens work in the press and this road to the EU will determine the present and future of our children and grandchildren. We together should make this jump so as to live in a civilized way at home. Until now, the European integration process was somehow monopolized by the elite. In fact, it belongs to every persons, regardless of ethnicity and other differences,” the Premier said in the interview for Info-Prim Neo. The next interviews will contain opinions about the performance of the passing year stated by the chairman of the Communist Party Vladimir Voronin, Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova Jennifer Brush, Minister of Economy Valeriu Lazar, Mayor of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca, Minister of Justice Oleg Efrim, Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Vasile Bumacov, expert of the Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT Corneliu Gurin, director of the National Anticorruption Center Viorel Chetraru, Deputy Representative of the United Nations Population Fund in Moldova Boris Galca, head of the Community of Moldovans in Quebec Ala Mandacanu, and singer Cristofor Aldea Teodorovici.