
Moldova-Vin launched the catalogue "the best 100 & 1 Moldovan wines"


Agro-industrial Agency Moldova-Vin launched on Wednesday, 22 February, at a press conference, the catalogue "The best 100 & 1 Moldovan wines". According to general manager of the Company Moldova-Vin, Valeriu Mironescu, the catalogue was edited on the basis of the results of the national contests with the same title and includes information of a small part of Moldovan wines and divines. He said that to select those best 100 & 1 Moldovan wines, there presented about 300 samples by wine enterprises. Mironescu noted that editing the catalogue will help to promote Moldova’s image abroad and will be useful to those passionate by wines. At the conference as well, Mironescu said that Moldova-Vin, with the support of certain wine enterprises of the country, re-started to edit the speciality book „Viticulture and Wining in Moldova”. This magazine was not published for about 10 years.