
Moldova to take part EU Justice and Home Affairs Council’s meeting for first time


The Republic of Moldova for the first time will take part in a meeting of the EU Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA) on July 11. Minister of Home Affairs Ana Revenco will join the justice and home affairs ministers of all the EU member states. It is for the first time that the minister of a non-EU member state is invited to take part in a JHA meeting, the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Moldova said, being quoted by IPN.

The EU home affairs ministers will discuss an innovative approach, with concrete aspects concerning the development of the European security eco-system by founding a JHA Hub in Chisinau. The Republic of Moldova two months ago offered the European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson to set up an EU security Hub in Chisinau to so as to ensure better protection and resilience to risks and threats caused by the war in Ukraine. The proposal was accepted by the EU member states.

“Together with the founding of this body in Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova becomes security producer for the European space, forming together with the EU member states a fortified security belt on the border with the war. The presence of the JHA Hub in Chisinau will bring increased stability and safety on our borders and a safer social climate,” the Ministry of Home Affairs noted in a press release.

As part of the EU Hub in Chisinau, representatives of all the judiciary and law enforcement agencies of Europe, EU member states representatives from the national home affairs systems, together with employees of Moldova’s home affairs system, will draft strategies for counteracting trafficking in arms, drugs, persons and other organized crime activities that force the borders of the states situated close to the frontline.

The EU Justice and Home Affairs develops cooperation and joint policies concerning different transfrontier problems with the aim of creating a space of freedom, security and justice at the level of the EU. The JHA members will discuss the ensuring of security by extending the European security space so that this covers also the Republic of Moldova.