
Moldova to join Convention on Temporary Admission


Moldova will join the Convention on Temporary Admission that was adopted in Istanbul on June 26, 1990, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the director general of the Customs Service Viorel Melnic, the Convention abrogates and substitutes a number of treaties designed exclusively for the customs regime of temporary admission such as the Customs Convention on the concessions granted on the import of goods that are to be presented and used in exhibitions, fairs, congresses and other events of the kind. The Customs Convention on the ATA carnet for the temporary admission of goods was included in the Istanbul Convention as annex. The Moldovan transporters that take part in international freight traffic and their public organizations, in particular the Transporters’ Union, called for many times attention to the fact that the Convention would simplify the customs procedures and save time. The Istanbul Convention, which was supported by the Government and will be submitted to the Parliament for ratification, groups all the temporary admission advantages into a common instrument, extends the program for implementing the ATA carnet at international level, directing the international freight traffic and units of transport in accordance with the most modern international and European practices. Melnic also said that the implementation of the Convention will have a beneficial impact not only on the traffic of freight imported for organizing exhibitions and events like “Moldova Presents”, but also for cultural, social, sport and tourist purposes.