
Moldova the last but one by road quality


The Republic of Moldova takes the last but one position by quality of roads in the third annual Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report published by the World Economic Forum. Moldova ranks 132nd out of 133 economies and is among the countries with poor ground transport infrastructure. The situation in Chad, Bolivia and Paraguay is much the same, Info-Prim Neo reports. Also, Moldova is ranked the 108th by in terms of airfares, including airport charges. The situation is somewhat better as regards tourism. Moldova became more hospitable, while the prices of fuel and hotel services more accessible. Compared with 2008, when it ranked the 98th in the general tourism rankings, Moldova climbed five spots to the 93rd place out of 133 countries. Switzerland, Austria and Germany have the most attractive environments for developing the travel and tourism industry. The African states Burundi, Lesotho and Chad have the poorest tourism infrastructure, the report says. The Index was developed by the World Economic Forum in cooperation with its Strategic Design Partner Booz and Company and its Data Partners Deloitte, the International Air Transport Association, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the World Tourism Organization and the World Travel and Tourism Council.