
Moldova solicits extending Program for Supporting Democratic Reforms


The joint Cooperation Project between the European Commission (EC) and the Council of Europe (CoE) for Moldova “Sustainable Democratic Reforms Support 2004-2006” might be extended, as result of the solicitations of the Moldovan part, formulated during the second tripartite meeting of the Program Coordinating Committee, held on June 13 in Chisinau. The Committee was chaired by the foreign deputy minister, Valeriu Ostalep, and co-chaired by the head of EC delegation in Chisinau, Cesare De Montis, and the CoE manager for strategic planning, Andreas Siegel. At the meeting, the parts discussed about the implementation of the joint program, emphasizing its four basic goals: ensuring the drafting of the legislative framework pursuant to European standards; strengthening the local democracy; providing assistance for efficient spreading of the social protection, especially for vulnerable groups of the population; consolidation of human rights protection at national level, especially, in the national law courts. Ostalep stated at the press conference that the parts appreciated positively the implementation of the program, notably the gained progress in achieving the objective of strengthening human rights protection at national level. The deputy minister mentioned in this sense the modifications made to certain laws in order to ensure the independence of the judiciary system, approval of the law on National Justice Institute, stipulating appointment of judges, lawyers regarding the European Conventions on Human Rights, creation of the special commission within the parliament for issuing the legislation in the field of local democracy etc. According to him, once the program is extended, the additional resources might be directed to financing trainings and seminars necessary for implementing the Law on national justice institute, continuing the implementation of the objectives on fighting corruption, cooperation with civil society, institutionalization, cooperation mechanisms between the public administration and the Council of Europe. Cesare De Montis said that actions undertaken within the joint program showed once again the decision of Moldovan authorities to achieve the Action Plan EU – RM. At the same time, the participants recognized the importance of this program as basic instrument facilitating adhesion of Moldova to European values and standards, especially those regarding human rights, the law-based state and democratic development.