
Moldova offers $10,000 to OHCHR


The Republic of Moldova has offered a contribution of $10,000 to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) as a token of our country's commitment to the values of fundamental human rights and liberties and in appreciation of the OGCHR's work, Info-Prim Neo reports. The Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that, while this contribution had a merely symbolical financial value compared to the complexity of the work done by the OHCHR, it confirmed Moldova's commitment to the values, actions and fundamental principles of this UN agency. Also, the contribution is in line with the commitments assumed by Moldova in the process of electing the United Nations Human Rights Council, whose member Moldova is during 2010-2013. The management of this contribution is left at the discretion of the OHCHR. Just since 2007 and until present, the United Nations has offered Moldova roughly $100 million in aid. A further installment of $217 has been announced for the period of 2013-2017.