
Moldova Noastra Alliance kicks off electioneering with slogan 'Eurointegration with AMN in power!'


Moldova Noastra Alliance (AMN) kicks off its electoral campaign with the slogan 'Eurointegration with AMN in power!” It presented its electoral offer on Wednesday, February 11. Its leader Serafim Urecheanu has said AMN's ruling program, titled 'Moldova's European Leap”, lays on nine major goals, Info-Prim Neo reports. Of 103 people on the AMN's list for the parliament, 76 come from territories. The list has 19 people younger than 30 and 24 women. To achieve the investment leap, the AMN sets the course, if it comes to power, to attract foreign investments of over $1 billion and to create conditions for the migrant Moldovans to invest their money at home, in own businesses. The AMN promises to yield by 8,000 euros to young people who will start businesses in rural localities, on following tenders. Concerning the Economic Leap, the party plans to double the GDP the coming four years, ensuring an annual growth of 12-15%. The AMN is set to make 350,000 new jobs and to reach an average salary of 500 euros a month till 2013. The pensions would be projected to grow to at least 35% of the average salary, what is 175 euros till 2013. The leap in healthcare is planned to be achieved by improving the social insurances system and by investing 600 million lei annually to repair, modernize and endow public health entities. In order to modernize education, the AMN promises to pass new Education Code matching the European standards. Young families would be able to rent dwellings in advantageous conditions if they give birth to a first child, reads the AMN's electoral platform. The Democratization leap is projected to be achieved by letting the people to vote directly for the country's president and by implementing the mixed electoral system. The AMN promises to improve the act of ruling and to guarantee the transparency of the public finances. In terms of foreign policy, the AMN plans to negotiate and ink an association accord with the European Union till the end of the mandate, to boost the relations with the Euro-Atlantic structures and to harmonize to maximum the good neighborhood policy with Ukraine and Romania. The AMN also proposes to develop partnerships with Russia and the USA. The AMN's platform key priority is to integrate Moldova into the EU, the AMN says. The AMN will be the third on the ballots, as it was registered by the Central Election Commission on February 10. The first on the list is AMN president Serafim Urecheanu, followed by academician Mihai Cimpoi and parliamentarian Veaceslav Untila.