
Moldova must choose between what it wants and what it has to do. Info-Prim Neo interview with astrologist Tatiana Paladi, director of Polus Geticus Cosmologic Center


[300 years ago, Dimitrie Cantemir wrote the Hieroglyphic History, a social-political novel about the fight for the throne between boyars’ parties, symbolized by the Unicorn and the Raven. In your latest book, “Cosmic Moldova”, you describe some political events Moldova through cosmologic terms. What cosmic factors influenced the latest events?] - The Moldovan prince lived in the mystic Age of Pisces, when it was dangerous to speak the truth. Today, we’re in the Aquarius Age, which opens the gates of knowledge to all of us. A simple comparative analysis of Polus Geticus Cosmologic Center’s predictions for January-March of 2011 and the actual events that happened proves the Universal Laws are always in effect and are accessible to those who want to understand the influence of cosmic energies. The whole Universe can be seen in its elements. There is a correspondent for everything that happens on Earth, including Moldova: the life of each entity corresponds to the life flow in the Universe. Nothing happens without reason. EU and US support for our country’s development is determined by the concentration of Jupiter’s energy (the Great Fortune) in the 4th House (of People) in Moldova’s astral chart. The reconsideration of relationships between parties PLDM, AMN, PL, MAE, the failure of partnerships in Moldova Unita and other factions, were influenced by Saturn’s energies (in folklore- Craciun, Christmas) passing through the Sign of Libra in the 11th House. The mundane signification of this House is the Government, town halls and local councils. Saturn means a lot of work and discipline in reaching goals. It brings lessons in domains related to the 11th House and suggests the reconsideration of partnerships in politics and business. No agreements should be signed unless carefully analyzed. Our society must understand the tests and limits imposed by Saturn, must discover that inner evil that can’t be got rid of unless acknowledged. It’s about Moldova’s choice between what it wants and what it has to do, meaning what is really necessary for its development. Another example of cosmic influence are the discussions on March 17, in the Parliament, and then in the society, about the regulation of casinos activity. In the aforementioned book, on page 266, it’s written (since December 2010) that after February 18, 2011, Uranus would tackle the House of Parliament, Dignity and Creativity in Moldova’s astral chart, showing that the legislation on education, transports and gambling industry would be changed. The readers of “Cosmic Moldova” can follow the events in 2011 and compare them to our predictions. Some of them can be found in the interview for Info-Prim Neo on December 30, 2010. Thus, we’ll understand Moldova is a cosmic entity and in order to lead it, one must know its meta-history, must decipher the God-given mission in this existence and the energy potential of governors who take responsibility for its evolution. The cosmo-planetary situation must be considered before taking any decisions. This is a common practice in big, developed countries. In China and India, cosmology is involved in state policies and helps solving the problems of billions. Today, everybody’s admiring the brave Japanese people who valiantly pass the tests of destiny. Meanwhile, in our small country, independent for 20 years, the spirituality of Geto-Dacians has been forgotten. In ancient times, their knowledge about cosmic arrangements amazed the whole world. I think it’s pretty clear no country is being governed with closed eyes. Those who want more arguments can read “The Astral Destiny of Moldova” and “Cosmic Moldova”. I advise political leaders and those who want to govern central and local structures in our country, to carefully analyze the information in cosmologic studies and use it when needed. [- In the interview to our Agency on Novemebr 22,2010, you predicted strong politicians would come to power. Do the current deputies confirm your prediction? ] - Yes, I think the forecast about the Legislative came true. We have a Parliament with huge cosmo-planetary energies, capable of approving revolutionary laws that would radically reform the legislation. Vice Speakers Plahotniuc (Snake) and Palihovici (Boar) have life signs compatible with that of the Speaker Marian Lupu (Horse). Deputies, regardless of their political affiliation, are more active in the Parliament and in commissions. They have become more responsible, they don’t boycott sessions anymore, the social society is happier with the Legislative body’s activity. [- In the book, you offer the astral portraits of the main political parties and leaders. How important is the astrological compatibility of these entities with the sign of the country?] -The compatibility of life signs (sign of years of the entities’ births) is decisive. A study about the compatibility of life signs in Moldovan politics, between parties and leaders and the sign of Moldova, shows it’s not that hard to decipher the quality and solidity of political partnerships. Let’s take for example the merging of PLDM and AMN, about which we wrote in very beginning of the book. This is the compatibility formula of partnerships: • the receptive Boar (PLDM) is in an excellent relationship with joyful Lamb (Moldova). Behind PLDM’s clam aspect, there’s hidden great will and resolve, which will overcome the harshest conditions to provide a comfortable existence to the country. • the authoritative Ox (AMN, Urecheanu) is incompatible with capricious Lamb (Moldova), they have opposing, conflicting views on life; • the sociable and credible Boar (PLDM) will have cold, but acceptable partnership relationships with the disciplined Ox (AMN) and can grant the latter a better attitude from Lamb; • the independent Rooster (Filat) has great administrative skills and an analytic mind, but can’t understand the feelings of whimsy Lamb. They’ll tolerate each other if needed, but the relationships remain cold; • the methodical Rooster (Filat) will create a successful team with the Ox (Urecheanu, AMN), without further difficulties. They have common goals. The Ox will eagerly submit to the Rooster’s leadership. They don’t pay much attention to mutual criticisms. Urecheanu is born lucky, as he can have the life sing of the Tiger, because he was born on February 2, 1950, at the boundary between 2 years. Analyze and compare the behavior of zodiac signs of these entities with that of animals in a Moldovan peasant’s yard. Draw the conclusions. I’m sure you’ll understand that the Nature teaches us lessons we must learn. [Info-Prim Neo notes: ] {1. The president of Polus Geticus Center of Culture and Cosmology, Tatiana Paladi, has 2 decades of experience in politics and local administration. For 15 years, she has been studying the meta-history of Moldova and of the world and can decipher the planetary arrangements of geopolitical events, the energy codes of entities, the mysteries and paradigms of our pastoral land. She is the author of the cosmologic treaty on Moldova’s evolution “The Astral Destiny of Moldova” and of other works like “Moldova in 2010”, “Cosmology for and about Parents”, “Zodiac Congratulations”. “Cosmic Moldova” was recently released and is her latest work. 2. Polus Geticus Center of Culture and Cosmology published detailed information about the cosmic influences in 2011 on its website www.polusgeticus.com.md} [Elena Nistor, Info-Prim Neo]