
Moldova may not meet its MDG target on maternal mortality prevention


Well into the 21st century Moldovan women still die during pregnancy or childbirth. If policies for the improvement of reproductive health are not urgently adopted, Moldova runs the risk of failing to achieve its Millennium Development Goal on maternal mortality prevention. According to UNFPA assistant representative in Moldova Boris Gilca, the Government of Moldova has three more years till the Millennium Development Goals report deadline. The country committed to reduce maternal mortality to 13.3 deaths per 1000 live births. “In 2000 this target seemed easy to achieve, albeit the figure is still quite high for Europe. However, in 2011 maternal mortality rate was 43.3 deaths per 1000 live births; this is a serious problem, and failing to fulfill a national commitment attracts other issues for the country, and external assistance diminishes”, said Boris Gilca. The causes of maternal deaths in Moldova are different. These are usually linked to the lack of proper prenatal services, abortions, and reduced access to adequate services for unwanted pregnancy termination. According to Boris Gilca, Moldova’s legislation on demographics is good in theory, but there is need for more coherence and perseverance in its enforcement, and the strengthening of institutional capacity in demographics is crucial.