
Moldova is lucky not to have Ukraine’s former rulers, Ukrainian ambassador


Moldova is lucky not to be managed by persons who would change their opinions on the country’s external development course on the last 100 meters, before the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU, as it happened in Ukraine last November, Ukraine’s Ambassador in Chisinau Serhii Pyrozhkov said in the debate “Moldovan-Ukrainian relations in new geopolitical and regional security conditions”, held by IPN News Agency in partnership with Radio Moldova.

The diplomat underlined that Ukraine is now facing a profound political, economic and military crisis that appeared not through the fault of the Ukrainians, but because the former government pursued a policy that fueled the corrupt system and poverty. Furthermore, the fact that Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula and sends terrorists to eastern Ukraine only worsens the situation that is already critical and hampers the current power from restoring stability.

But the international community supports Ukraine and the country receives not only political, but also material support through different loans, said Serhii Pyrozhkov. This contributes to the stabilization of the situation in the country. The new President Pyotr Poroshenko, who was invested on June 7, gained the necessary votes in the first round of voting and this shows that society united and didn’t support the candidates of parties that are considered extremist.

The ambassador also said that the new Ukrainian head of state was recognized by the international leaders and this shows that he enjoys the support of the foreign partners. “I think the recognition of the results of the democratic elections enables to form a new legal administration that will promote the necessary reforms and will bring peace to the country,” he stated.

Serhii Pyrozhkov noted that Russia also started to take steps towards establishing a dialogue with the new administration of Ukraine and the gas-related problems are being solved based on compromises made by both of the sides.

The debate “Moldovan-Ukrainian relations in new geopolitical and regional security conditions” is the 31st of the series of debates “Development of political culture in public debates” that are organized by IPN in concert Radio Moldova and with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany.