
Moldova is among countries with highest death rate in region


Moldova is among the countries with the highest mortality rate in the region. The deaths are most often caused by diseases of the circulatory system (57.5%), tumors (14.5%), and diseases of the digestive system (9.1%). The data is contained in the draft national public health strategy for 2014-2020, IPN reports.

A particularity of Moldova is the high number of deaths at working age - 44% of the total number of deaths. The most important risk factors that condition morbidity, invalidity and mortality are the alcohol abuse, hypertension, high cholesterol level, tobacco and overweight, which significantly influence the intensity of non-transmitted diseases.

A problem is also the exodus of medical staff from the healthcare system. This creates difficulties in organizing and implementing prophylactic and anti-epidemic measures at local level. The national anti-epidemic fund is very modest and does not meet the needs. The public health institutions are insufficiently outfitted with medical equipment. The work conditions are improper and lead to professional illnesses and to a high number of diseases, with temporary loss of the work capacity.  

The draft national public health strategy for 2014-2020 aims to optimize and strengthen the public health supervision systems so as to identify the health problems and provide relevant and truthful information for taking decisions and actions in the health sector. The strategy is available on the official website of the Ministry of Health for public debates.