
Moldova increases power imports from Ukraine 3.5-fold


Moldova has increased the power imports from Ukraine 3.5-fold, during nine months of the current year, compared to the similar period of last year. In total, there was purchased a volume of 1.7 bln. kW/h, according to data made public by the Ukrainian Energy Ministry. The speedy increase in imports is explained by Moldova’s reorientation exclusively to the Ukrainian energy, after the termination on May 1, 2006, of the contract between the “Ucrinterenergo” companies and Inter RAO EES regarding the transit of Russian electricity. Previously, Ukraine and Russia supplied power to Moldova equally. During nine months of the current year, Ukraine has exported power of 7.3 bln. kW/h, increasing by 8%, compared to the similar period of last year. Thus, Moldova accounts for 23% as regards the power supplies of the neighbor state.