
Moldova has 72 thousand unemployed persons


Officially there are about 72 thousand unemployed persons in Moldova. According to the data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics, during two years and a half the number of unemployed Moldovans reduced by 44 thousand persons. At present, unemployment is affecting to a greater extent the men – 61.7% and the persons from the urban areas – 57.1%. The average length of the unemployment is 19 months. Of the total number of the unemployed each third is not working for 12 months and more, each fifth – 24 months and more. The young unemployed persons (15-24) constitute 26.5%. The unemployment rate constituted 5.7% in Q1 against 8.1% in 2004. Significant disparities were registered between the unemployment rate of men – 6.8% and women – 4.5%. The unemployment rate constituted – 7.1% in the urban settlements, and in villages – 4.5%. Among the young persons (of age 15-24) the unemployment rate reached 13.9%. There were created 18639 workplaces in the national economy in Q1, including: in industry – 3423, in agriculture, hunting economy and forestry – 2318, in constructions – 2322, in retail trade – 3971, in transports and communications – 1311, etc. The number of persons who went abroad to work or to look for a job, according to the data of a poll conducted among households, constituted about 335 thousand persons. Two thirds of those who went abroad are men. The same percentage was reported in the case of the persons who fled rural areas.